About us.

Curious Reading Club is simple.
Twelve times every year, we pick a mind-expanding work of non-fiction and share it with our members for less than retail price.
Most often it’s a brand new hardback release, sometimes it’s a recent gem… and once in a while you’ll get a classic.
Then? We discuss it with authors and experts in a monthly live Q&A session. Expect detailed discussion, open conversation, and almost certainly some bad jokes. Along the way you’ll also get a sprinkling of regular email updates, featuring interviews with writers, other recommended reading beside our monthly picks, and fun extras. That’s it!
Curious Reading Club is new.
Our very first shipment went out on May 1, 2024. You can take a look at our previous picks and recommended reading to see the kinds of titles we might be sharing in the future.
Our tastes are broad, but we particularly like reading about science, technology, society, politics and history; we get juiced by sharp memoirs and unusual biographies. We're big fans of big ideas — especially the kind that challenge we what know, or connect the dots to new ways of thinking. Most of all, though, we love good stories and great writing.
Curious Reading Club is easy.
We announce the next month's pick on the 15th of each month. New books get sent out from Curious HQ on the 1st. If you’re based in the US, your monthly membership will mean these great reads arrive just a few days later.
If you’re not based in the US, you can’t get our discounted books—but you can still subscribe to our free emails and come along to our Q&A sessions. Online sessions take place toward the end of each month.
Curious Reading Club is personal.
This whole thing is run by Bobbie Johnson, a media maker based in San Francisco. For nearly 25 years he’s been an award-winning publisher, writer, editor and reporter in the UK and US—working with countless fantastic authors and helping share their work with the world. Curious Reading Club is run as a sustainable side project project: not to make money, but to find, share, read, and talk about great books with other people.
As one of the earliest members of the club, your input will be requested and appreciated.
Do you have more questions? Here’s a page of answers.
And don't forget, we’re always just an email away.